Why you feel like crap and how to feel better
Apr 21, 2021The reason you are stuck feeling like crap is because you haven’t learned how to manage your mind yet.
Here’s the thing … our brain has a serious negativity bias. 60,000 thoughts a day. And 80% of those are negative. So when we take every thought our brain is giving us as truth, we’re setting ourselves up to feel pretty sh*tty --that's 48k negative thoughts!
But we do have the ability to challenge and shift things.
The biggest barrier is that most of these thoughts are unconscious – so we have to create awareness around our thought patterns before we have the power to shift them.
You see, our brain is motivated by three things:
- Seek pleasure
- Avoid pain
- Do it as efficiently as possible.
So most of our thought patterns are trying to protect us from pain and seek instant gratification and they are unconscious, automatic patterns.
Our culture isn’t helping us out either – we are taught that negative emotions are wrong and that life should be an Instagram highlight reel. We hide from ourselves, our pain, our truth and avoid feeling emotions because we don’t want to feel the shame that something is wrong with us.
So let me clear this up -- NOTHING IS WRONG WITH YOU. Negative emotion is a part of being human. We get 50/50 positive and negative emotion – that’s part of the deal. And the more you can allow the negative emotions and feel through them, you will move your body through the stress response faster, so you can tap fully into joy, love, bliss, and gratitude.
So back to our culture… we prevent ourselves from slowing down enough to feel. We glamourize working, the grind, argue with our peers about who is more tired! How can we slow down with that type of pressure?
Then add the fact that so many women are operating from a scarcity mindset of not feeling good enough due to societal conditioning, that we are just constantly striving to prove our worth through the hustle mentality.
SO … we say yes to everything, people please, don’t set boundaries with ourselves or others, and get stuck in a constant cycle of overwhelm and anxiety.
Can you relate?
If this is you. I got you – you can stop the cycle.
I’ve created an emotional management workbook just for you. It will help you slow down and start to process what you are feeling. After you spend some time here ---
Then it’s time to start shifting into more positive emotions.
Through creating your thoughts on purpose.
You have to write things out when you are stuck, and PRACTICE everyday.
Your brain will start to change it’s belief systems and you will learn how to start feeling better and processing through negative emotions.
Download the workbook at the bottom of this page.
PS – if you want to take it to the next level and really dive into this work – let’s chat. Hop on a free coaching consultation today and let’s talk about how coaching can support your goals and how you want to be in the future. Book below.
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