7 Mindset Hacks to make your life 100x better!
Jan 10, 2022Learn to embody these mindset hacks and you'll have so much more freedom and spaciousness in how you life your life.
What do they have in common? THEY all require FEELING through discomfort instead of avoiding discomfort!
What do they have in common? THEY all require FEELING through discomfort instead of avoiding discomfort!
For each hack - give yourself a rating on a scale of 1-10 ... in terms of how much you BELIEVE each statement is true? How can you embody each of these more fully?
1. Failure is a chance to double down on your belief for what’s possible. Keep going.
1. Failure is a chance to double down on your belief for what’s possible. Keep going.
2. Life is 50% positive and 50% negative circumstances. That’s also true of where you’re going. Learn to love where you are as you step into your growth. Life’s too short to live waiting for “one day”
3. The life you want will cost you the life you have. When you let go of who you are now to become the person who has her dream life, you have to open yourself up to grieving your past identity.
4. You won’t know how to make something happen until you get there. Open up to all possibilities – the journey likely looks way differently than the way you are trying to control the narrative in your mind.
5. Success as society defines it won’t create your happiness. Pay attention to HOW you’re creating your success – and if you’re living in alignment of your values while you create it. The way you get there dictates how you will feel when you get the result you’re looking for.
6. You’re 100 percent worthy of the life you want to create. Failure has nothing to do with your worthiness or value, it’s just an opportunity to lean into my growth.
7. The more you live in the space of “how it should be”, the more you prevent yourself from enjoying things as they are. Accept reality and grieve whatever alternate reality you can’t let go of.
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